Usually when a client contacts me for a photo session, they have a vision of how they want it to turn out and where they what to be photographed. Once we set a location, I work closely with my clients to stylize their outfits and create a pre-painted picture of how the photo session will turn out. Alex contacted me and originally wanted their photography session to be in a cotton field. I loved that idea! We started our work styling and it soon became apparent the location would need to change in order to get the full effect she was looking for. I love watching projects evolve like this. Especially because these are big details that could make or break how my clients feel about their photos.
So, after changing locations,things went off without a hitch. Alex introduced me to her large family and it was an absolute pleasure working with every single one of them! Big families are my favorite to photograph and this family in particular was very special. Alex's kids were some of the most well mannered and polite children I have ever worked with. Their manners were impeccable! It was so nice to have my entire interaction with this family be supported by such sweet and sincere manners.
I could not have been happier with how everything turned out for Alex and her sweet family of seven. Working together prior to our session really paid off when it came down to some of the most important details and personally I thought it was a great switch!